All Good Things | Gosling Is Good Things

I saw Drive and loved it. I thought, maybe this Gosling guy isn’t so bad…the girls like him and all but hey, you do what you gotta do right?

Turns out, I think I kinda like him too…in a kickin ass kinda way.

All Good Things was a quality movie. it’s apparently based on a true story which adds to its creepiness, also because Gosling does such a good job playing the quiet scociopath with too much money.

Kirsten Dunst plays herself, a free-spirited slightly ditsy blonde who finds herself in trouble. (Isn’t that what her bio reads?) She is mildly annoying as usual and you only feel sorry for her because Gosling is such a good bad guy! It’s worth a watch.

Dave: 4 out of 5 Edward’s
Eddie: 0 out of 5 Edward’s (there is a scene that needs not be mentioned that affected my rating)

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